Creative Success, LLC


RetreatsKristin Marquet
Ferry Beach, Maine, Summer of Love Retreat

It’s not too late to treat yourself!

Consider joining us at Ferry Beach for the Summer of Love and our retreatLIGHT UP YOUR SOUL’S PATH: SOUL COLLAGE AND SPIRITUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY.  There are still a few seats at the retreat if you are ready to treat yourself to a gift of “self-love” which of course really does ignite the Soul’s Path in so many ways.

Join us – Gail McMeekin and Deb Knox – as we gather together August 20th – 23rd to envision the Path more clearly. We’ll be using the powerful tools of Soul Collage (R) and Spiritual Autobiography for insights and guidance for moving forward into a magnificent Fall.

You will:

  • emerge centered and excited about your life and your work,
  • experience new visions for self-expression and fulfillment,
  • learn to use your Imagination, Intention, and Intuition to create these special collages and realize new adventures, and
  • discover your spiritual storyline, the underlying thread that imbues your life experience with meaning and purpose

This retreat will be interactive and varied using combinations of writing exercises, SoulCollage® Card Making, visualizations, journaling, meditative walks, etc. We recommend that you bring your personal journal.

Ferry Beach is a unique gathering place, right on the ocean, where the sunny skies and cool breezes will hopefully be at play along with us. Gail and Deb have been friends and colleagues almost since the original Summer of Love 1967. Here we are 50 years later and grateful to share some enlightening time with all of you.

You can register here!