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- Manifest Your GEM of an Idea Program
Manifest Your GEM of an Idea Program

Manifest Your GEM of an Idea Program
How Do You Make Your Best Creative Ideas a Reality Now!
Begins Wednesday, January 2019.
Payments are processed through PayPal, including PayPal credit.
How Do You Make Your Best Creative Ideas a Reality Now!
Begins Wednesday, January 2019.
Payments are processed through PayPal, including PayPal credit.
Almost every day, a client or a colleague will run an idea by me for feedback. These are great moments for me, and one of the reasons why I love my business. The idea may be about a book they want to write, a new training program they want to create, it may be new products to create passive income that will help more people, it may be an idea for a painting, or a design for a new business or a city park. The people in my GEM groups have fabulous ideas, but these ideas generally need some re-design or present some obstacles that must be overcome before the idea takes its final form—which I call the Ultimate, which is the U in my FOCUS model.
Yes, after people have identified a great idea that they are passionate about, the treacherous part of the journey begins. This is when those evil voices inside our minds start blabbering negative-self-talk or we get scared that our project won’t be “good enough” because we are not “unique enough” and these thoughts get us into a mind-tangle. Then we start doubting our idea and our competence, and our vision gets shaky and eclipsed.
This happens to everyone at some point. I know when I got my first book contract from Conari Press that I panicked and thought to myself “who am I to write this book” even after I had most of it written and had worked on it for almost 10 years. Fortunately, my husband told me I was being ridiculous and I signed the contract and finished the book, which was “The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women” which sold out its first printing in 8 weeks and is still paying me royalties.
So first, you must get control of your thoughts and fortify yourself for your quest with your idea. Secondly, you need fellow travelers on your journey to manifestation, but you must be extremely careful about who those people are. You must avoid your saboteurs all costs —that is anyone or anything that does not have your back, and steadfastly believe in yourself and your potential. I often tell my clients—do not tell anyone in your family or inner circle that you do not trust completely what you are doing until it is sold/completed. And even then, you may choose not to share it with them. Your creative work is precious and priceless and you must protect is as fiercely as a mother lion protects her cubs.
Thirdly, you need wise guides who have done what you are trying to do, so that they can mentor you. You need a coach who understands the creative process and how to make money with it. That is why my business is named Creative Success!
So, for all these reasons, I invented the Manifest Your GEM of an Idea Coaching Groups, which are going strong. People are healing their old demons, getting great support and feed-back, and getting their creative work done and out into the world. There are graduates like the woman who won first prize in an International Mosaic contest, a woman who has invented a breakthrough theory about women in the C-suite, a woman who is bringing her experiences as a coach to the comedy stage, several book writers who got their projects done, and many more creative souls who are bringing all kinds of products and services into the world.